Art’s New Perch: Your Neck, Not Your Wall, artist-made jewelry is no longer an outlier as wearable pieces head to auction - and to museum collections, by Ruth La Ferla

Tiffany Dubin, head of fashion department, bringing the party to Sotheby’s, by NYT Sunday Styles, Elizabeth Hayt

An Online Tag Sale Goes Uptown. This season, it is Beekman Place, not Sutton. And it’s not one designer, it’s six. It’s not the social scene’s latest aspirants, it’s eBay

The idea of selling modern couture clothing in a venerable auction house whose stock in trade is valuable art and antiques came from Tiffany Dubin, of Sotheby’s Holdings Inc.

“Just as people seek out vintage clothing to express their personal style, vintage pieces can personalize a living space,’’ said Ms. Dubin